Though this not new but not all persons actually have the knowledge of what am gonna share with you guys today which is how you can with ease transfer a very large/bulky file between windows, android and ios without using USB drive, CD-ROM or SD Card and at optimum speed.
So am happy to inform you that there is an app that will enhance you to send files which ranges from 1mb to 100gb just in seconds without you in need of any cable, drive etc for connections.
The app i will recommend for now is called “SHAREit” – from its name you should know what the app is meant for ; which is basically for “sharing” ! SHAREit is an application from Lenovo, it allows sharing or transferring of files and folders among tablets, smartphones and Pc’s.
It works on all windows, andriod and apple devices. You can use it to transfer files either from Pc-to-smartphone, smartphone-to-pc or Pc-to-Pc…… so any how you want to make use of it , it’s very easy to operate. All you need to do is to turn on your wifi on both the sending and receiving devices.
By using this app you enjoy the following features:
- The size of file you can share has no limit, only that files large files will take longer time than short ones.
- The speed of sharing is very fast, about 40 times faster than Bluetooth.
- Files can be shared from Andriod phone to Windows tablet, from a Windows notebook to and so on like that.
- You can send almost any type of file including photos, documents, music, vidoes, and apps.
- Finally, it has the ability to share a whole folder at a time.
>> For PC users download the software here.
>> Andriod users download it from googleplay using this link .
>> For iOS users get it on App store through this link.
>> For windows users download yours from here.
How To Use The App (E.g Transfer Of Files From Andriod To PC).
After successful download of this app kindly install it and open it. So after opening it you will see two options to choose which is “SEND” and “RECEIVE” , you will click on “SEND” on your android phone and lick on “RECEIVE” on your PC then you will turn on your wifi on your PC and that is all you need!!!!!!!I hope you’ve gained allot from this article so do well in sharing the post to others by clicking the Share Buttons below …..drop all you comments and also subscribe to our latest posts which is absolutely free by entering your Email in the form below ……………..
Have A Beautiful Day Ahead!!!